Copyright Policy

Naousa Paros - rainbow in the port

These measures are in place to protect the rights and interests of the creators and to uphold the principles of intellectual property law.All content on the websites (services provided, files, texts, articles, sources, plans, legislation, photos, graphics, etc.) are the intellectual property of VOYARENT LTD and the personal assets of the creators and are protected by the relevant provisions of English law, Greek law, European law and international conventions. Therefore none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, transmitted or distribution in any way for any purpose. It is strictly forbidden any use other than the purpose for which the website was created, without the prior written permission of the administrators of VOYARENT LTD.The website is not responsible for the entries of its users. The information posted by the users on the web pages of this website is their own intellectual property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.